Usability study to increase the effectiveness of a training bot used to improve the job performance of employees
What are the improvements needed in AI-driven training programs to achieve effective training?
- Identified features that are working to enable greater adoption within the program
- Identified the challenges in the usage of the training program
- Identified features that are not working and the reasons behind their ineffectiveness
- Recommended modifications required to the training program for higher adoption
A large part of the Indian workforce remains unskilled, especially when communicating in English. Ever-expanding markets are replete with jobs that require individuals to have easily trainable skills relating to security, housekeeping, delivery and driving. The Indian youth is capable, but the problem eventually lies within the sphere of communication. Effective training could make an unskilled group capable. However, this training is cost-intensive, and expenses become increasingly prohibitive as the scale increases, such as in cases relating to large corporations with thousands of employees.
The answer was AI and our client developed an “AI driven virtual assistant that helps field sales teams and frontliners do better work at scale.” To ensure a high adoption rate, their virtual assistant worked via Whatsapp. Training was underway over smartphones during breaks at work, on the road, and even at home at odd timings. It was very unlike the controlled environment of a classroom. This level of variation in conditions brought about its own set of unique challenges.
Hureo was responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of this AI-driven virtual assistant developed by to train salespeople and frontline workers. With the intention to build improvements into their product, was looking to better understand the users, their environments, and challenges faced in the use of the product.
Our Approach
We conducted an intensive usability study to understand the challenges faced while using the virtual assistant in the user’s real environment. We also observed the integration of the training program with their work lives. Technology as a medium of learning was not familiar to many users and our team studied this factor in-depth.
The Outcome
Our team found out exactly how the product was used by the workers and the environmental constraints faced by them. The effectiveness of the training methods was assessed on predefined metrics. Covering these factors, we then devised a set of solutions and improvements that could make the training program more effective.