We provide training for teams, enabling them to incorporate a user-centric design approach in designing and developing their products. Each training module is customised for teams, keeping in mind their challenges and constraints.

Why trainings and workshops?

We have seen that there is a need for companies to understand user-centric design principles – from designers to developers to management – and for them to learn how to apply these skills while working on their projects. Most team members are skilled with technical tools, but have limited knowledge about user-centred design and user experience (UX).

Our training helps designers to take user feedback on part of the product or an evolution of their designs. It helps developers to communicate with design teams and management to learn how to make products that will deliver a delightful user experience (UX).

Case studies


November 6, 2020

This week in user research and beyond

Interested in knowing more about tech user behaviour and design research? We present you with news and insights from across India on how users are making […]
October 30, 2020

This week in User Research & beyond

Interested in knowing more about tech user behaviour and design research? We present you with news and insights from across India on how users are making […]
May 23, 2019

Seven Must-Read UX Magazines

I’m a UX researcher with Hureo, and at Hureo, we tend to read (and write!) quite a lot about UX. So I sat down and compiled […]
January 29, 2019

The life of a User Researcher

From corporate offices in metro cities to rural areas often in remote locations a user researcher traverses many worlds. It is no surprise that to follow this kind of career, one needs to be organised, adaptable and ingenious simultaneously. This continuous shifting of roles is a defining aspect of UX research. Once a research project is finalised in consultation with the client, UX researchers spend a majority of their time

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